All our training projects addressed to companies go through a process by which we ensure that the training program we propose fully covers all the needs and requirements of our customers, so that the benefits of taking part in a SkopSolution course should be to the maximum.
All the Defensive Driving courses of the SkopDriving department focus on learning through experimenting. The practical side of our courses has a key role in understanding the concept of Defensive Driving and in developing skills necessary for its implementation.
Step 1 – Assessment
Establishing the training needs of the client through discussions, tests and direct observation in traffic.
Step 2 – Training Package Proposal
After the evaluation we will make suggestions regarding the curricula for various training sessions.
Step 3 – Agreeing on and delivering the training programs
In agreement with the client company we make adjustments regarding the curriculum, content, and program delivery. The sessions designed and delivered by the Skop Solution trainers will be accompanied by appropriate and motivating course materials.
Step 4 – After training program
As part of the project, after delivering the entire package of courses, there will be an evaluation of the level of absorbtion and understanding of the principles and concepts presented during the training sessions in order to establish directions for individual development.
The training program may continue with a package of regular tests and educational materials offered online through our e-learning system.